Now Featuring

Release Your Tears

Allow yourself the time to receive support and comfort from this free online guided meditation and music session – This event was held on October 13, 2024 click the button below for the recording 

This is a time to rest and allow the music to move in you, to break up the tension in your body so you can release the tears that are trapped inside. Join me in community and experience this guided meditation and music (sound healing) session online. You can be comfortable in your own space, while knowing that you’re not alone in your grief.

Quiet Time Meditations

Quiet Time Meditations - for your family, for your students, and for yourself
Introducing Quiet Time Meditations – Sleep Better and Feel Better!


What if there was a way for parents to help your kids calm down and go to sleep faster, and to feel better and not so tired in the morning?

What if there was a way for teachers to help your students to transition from home to school, that would prepare their minds and bodies, inspire creativity, imagination and enthusiasm for learning?

Quiet Time Meditations are designed to do just that. By using evidence-based practices, such as repetitive rhythms, calming melodies, beautiful pictures and guided meditations listeners will be immersed in nature and experience it from a new perspective. The meditation guides listeners into imagining the world from as if they were an animal in their natural environment. There are facts about life-cycles and habitat mixed with character concepts and esteem-building affirmations.

The series starts with the caterpillar so listeners experience nature from the ground up and imagine crawling through the grass and savoring the delights of the garden. Butterfly teaches us to embrace the changes that make us beautiful and to shine our light in the world.

Sample Reel from Butterfly

Feel wise, strong and powerful as you soar with the eagles and run with the wolves and then connect to your intuition, insight and to the earth with the sea turtle and bat Parents can watch each video once or twice with your kids and use the time as a way to connect on a deeper level. Follow up with art projects and adventures in nature and let your kids imagination take over. There are audio only files included for those times when you need a break from the screens. Teachers can use this program as a way for children to transition into classroom learning. By allowing them to watch and listen once or twice a week while doing art projects or resting, they can prepare their minds and bodies for learning and build character and community. STEM concepts about the animal kingdom are easily incorporated into other lessons throughout the curriculum.

Sample Reel from Bat

Quiet Time Meditations Try them now, for your family, for your students and for yourself

These 12 -14 minute videos are created for younger children or shorter rest times. They have the same calming rhythm, melody and instrumentation as the longer videos. They have introductory breathing techniques, basic animal information and positive affirmations.

Each 15 minute video has:

  • Facts about animal lifestyle and habitat
  • Breathing practices
  • Emotional regulation techniques


Each 30 minute video includes:

  • 20 + minutes of guided imagery narration ending with 5-10 minutes of music
  • Animal information and folklore
  • Deep Breathing and relaxation techniques
  • Imagination and visualization strategies
  • Affirmations and self-esteem building messages


  • 6 – Deep Sleep videos – lifetime access
  • 6 – Naptime Videos – lifetime Access
  • 6 – Deep Sleep Audio Files – downloadable
  • 6 – Naptime Audio Files – downloadable
  • 6 Affirmation Posters – printable pdf
  • Coloring pages – printable pdf
  •  Music Notes – Ideas to expand the experience


What Kids say:

“The videos are good and they work. Other videos that try to do the same thing are cringy because they put a lot more of an emphasis on relaxing. But this creates a situation that IS relaxing. It’s less pressure on you.” Charlie age 13

“It calms me down and helps me go to sleep faster, I feel better and not so tired in the morning.” Timothy age 10

“I have to listen to meditation at night to help me go to sleep. I loved the photography, the calming songs, and the stories in these. My favorite meditation song was about the turtle. I give it 5 stars.” Ailey age 8

“How does she even know I sometimes have trouble sleeping?” Bradley age 8

“I like the butterflies and flowers” Lucy age 4

What Adults say:

“Unlike other meditation recordings I’ve listened to, these have much more interesting topics that will engage kids and parents alike. Moreover, I absolutely adore how you’ve melded STEM and meditation.” Jon M.

“The videography and clearness of the instructions and the music is amazing. I really enjoyed the variety of meditations and would recommend to anyone.” Erin D.

“I enjoy snuggling with my kids, they calm down and fall asleep quickly and I enjoy the rest of the meditation.” Natasha T.

“These aren’t just for kids. I really enjoy them and they put me to sleep every time!” Mike L.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.       How does this program work?

A: you receive a video every week for 6 weeks. You have lifetime access so you can watch or listen as many times as you like.

2.       Is this only for bedtime?

A: You can watch or listen any time you need a break.

3.       Is this a meditation program?

A.       Yes, but it’s also a social-emotional learning program. You can learn about the life cycle, habitat, behaviors, and even cultural beliefs about a variety of animals that are designed to spark interest and creativity.

B.       Parents and teachers can use the discussion prompts to create art, music and learning projects, and talk to kids about the many different aspects of animal life, from the way they live, the way they overcome obstacles and are perceived by society.

4.       How does this help me to calm down?

A.       The soundtrack has a calming rhythm pattern that immediately signals the brain to start releasing calming neurotransmitters which calm the body and slow the heartbeat. The instruments and melodies are composed to accompany the story and to maintain interest.

5.       I’ve tried to meditate but my mind always goes back to my problems, how is this different?

A.       Research has indicated that being in nature or looking at pictures of nature subjects helps to calm the brain after trauma.

B.       The guided imagery involves you in the story as if you were the animal and to see things from the animal’s perspective so you can forget your problems and rest.

6.       How does this support my mental health?

A.       When you sleep better, your body feels better, and your mind is clearer.

B.       “Whatever picture you have in your mind, the brain translates that into complementary chemistry” Dr. Bruce Lipton. Each story is filled with messages about how the animals survive, adapt, persevere, and thrive in the world and is told in a way to empower you to embody those traits.

7.       How does this help reduce my child’s reliance on video?

A.       The videos are beautiful illustrations of the words and will teach concepts and ideas for visual learners if they aren’t already familiar with the animal or environment, but they aren’t necessary for a good experience. Audio files are included, and the soundtracks include many prompts to use the imagination.

8.       What are the affirmation posters?

A.       They are printable 8.5×11 PDF pictures of each animal with an uplifting message to help build self-esteem.

9.       What are the Journal Prompts?

A.       Suggestions for writing in your journal about your experience with the meditations.

10. There are hundreds of animals, why are there only 6 videos?.       

A. This is a new project in the testing and discovery phase. The intention is to make this an ongoing subscription series. Module 1 has 6 videos – 1 every week for 6 weeks. Module 2 also 6 videos, is in production and release is planned for 2024. We are raising funds to continue production and collecting feedback from our users to continue to make this program useful for people of all ages.

Sleep Better and Feel Better!


Designed to help remove the thoughts and worries of everyday life by guiding you to imagine being an animal and experiencing the world from a different perspective.


    • Fall Asleep Faster
    • Regulate their Emotions
    • Calm their brain and body
    • Encourage imagination and creative thinking
    • Build Confidence and Self Esteem
    • Wake Up feeling refreshed!
Product image

Quiet Time Meditations – Module 1

6 Deep Sleep Videos 30 minutes each, 6 audio files and supporting materials

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