I sing a book near the end of almost every session that I do with kids. With Thanksgiving upon us, I would like to take a few moments to share my favorite Thanksgiving book.
“I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Pie” by Alison Jackson is also my favorite of the very many “Old Lady” variations available. The illustrations are quite funny as the old lady comes to visit and then proceeds to eat the ENTIRE Thanksgiving feast.

old ladyI have pictures that I scanned from the book, laminated and velcroed. As I pass each picture out to the kids, I tell them what the picture is so they can put it on the felt board at the appropriate time. Thus addressing goals for sequencing and fine motor skills.

There are so many things to discuss about this book as the lady eats the food, she gets bigger and bigger, starts to look a little sickly (pallid), and she really doesn’t use good manners at all!

I don’t want to give away the surprise ending of this book, but I will tell you that I took the liberty of changing the tagline from “Perhaps she’ll die” to “Perhaps she’ll fly” which matches the ending and that way can include the gross motor motion of flapping our arms at each verse. Being silly as I sing the book is an additional way to keep the kids fully engaged and participating.

What are your favorite holiday books for kids? Please leave your comments below and have a Thanksgiving that is filled with tasty food, music and many blessings.